Updates from the Jewelry Studio
Have you had a chance to take a class in our newest studio space? Last January, we converted what was our archive into a specialized jewelry studio and have since offered a number of introductory classes taught by two extremely experienced and talented teaching artists, Hratch Babikian and Maureen Duffy.
Fleisher is thrilled to provide knowledge and access to this rapidly disappearing craft and, true to our mission, we’re doing it at an affordable price point and with tuition assistance available.

The new jewelry studio is outfitted with a large bench with space for 12 students, an arrangement that fosters an intimate class setting and plenty of one-on-one instruction. In addition, the studio boasts two flex shaft stations, a drill press, a polishing machine, and a small hammering station.

Since heat is necessary to explore the full spectrum of the medium, we added a new soldering station this summer. The south end of the studio now features a soldering station with a fireproofed stainless steel counter top, a Hakko soldering fume extractor for ventilation, and an acetylene torch.
Join us this fall and experience the potential of metalsmithing and jewelry making. There are a few spaces available in Maureen Duffy’s Introduction to Jewelry Making on Wednesday and Jewelry Basics on Saturdays. Both classes will use the new soldering station and are similar in structure. The Saturday class is shorter and designed to accommodate parents and caregivers of children in our Saturday Young Artists Program, but is open to any interested adult student. The Saturday class is perfect for those enrolled in the Wednesday class who are seeking additional studio time.
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