Afrofuturism and the Heroine’s Journey in Contemporary Film with Li Sumpter
Join us for the first seminar in the Found in Translation series: Afrofuturism and the Heroine’s Journey in Contemporary Film. A four-week course presented by mythologist and multidisciplinary artist Dr. Li Sumpter, the seminar will decode the Heroine’s Journey narrative model through the lens of Afrofuturism and contemporary myth and cinema.
Weekly lectures in this course will explore the power and patterns of archetype and symbol – the building blocks of myth and the imagination. These universal elements of human consciousness are not only the stuff that stories and dreams are made of; they can also inspire movements, transform culture, and shape reality. Students will learn how the path of the female protagonist differs from the classic male hero and the common themes, tropes, and power dynamics kindred to these two unique journeys. Diving deeper still, this course examines the trials and gifts, wounds, and weapons common to heroines of African and indigenous descent that reflect resonant cultural ideals, current social issues, and the signs of the times.