HANDMADE x El Mercado Cultural
Get your holiday shopping done early!
Fleisher proudly presents HANDMADE, our annual craft market inviting Philadelphia’s artists and makers to showcase and sell their work in our historic sanctuary. We welcome Cassie Renee Peña, who will curate our list of 20+ vendors who will be dishing out their wares to those looking for unique and affordable holiday gifts. This year, HANDMADE will be presented in collaboration with El Mercado Cultural, a Fleisher initiative focused on sharing creative and marketing resources with Latinx entrepreneurs.
Shoppers can expect high quality handmade goods from a variety of mediums that include fabric, clay, glass, wood, paper, and much more. The show will highlight Fleisher teaching artists and students as well as a selection of local artists and craftsmen. Stop by our lobby to enjoy coffee from Persimmon Coffee (@persimmoncoffee)!
About the curator
Cassie Renee Peña’s work attempts to reconcile the barbarism of western civilization and its continuous attempt to ‘other’ cultures outside of a Judeo-Christian context through the exploration of iconography, mythology, antiquities, Tinder, and Jester’s Privilege. While existing in the historical context of American empire decline and the internet, her work also operates as self-mocking diary entries regarding the complications and navigation of human existence. Utilizing non-European clay coil-building techniques to create ancient Greek forms in porcelain, a clay body generally associated with wealth, Peña’s work nods to the history of craft while maintaining a lack of self-serious refinement. She resides in Philadelphia, PA.
This year’s vendors include:
ArtesinA: @artesinagroup
Goods and Bads: @goodsandbadsstudio
Cynthia Bayer
Herbal Jawn Apothecary: @herbaljawn
Mason Carter + Olivia Duffy: @masonfromblendini + @PortOlivia
By Ren: @by.ren
Uh-Huh Design Studio: @shopuhhuh
Fleisher Art Memorial Open Studio Potters
Fleisher Art Memorial Staff
Fleisher Art Memorial Teen Lounge
Lili Daliessio Designs: @lilidaliessiodesigns
Signature Books & Accessories: @signature_books
Pejo Goshni by Maria Hernandez: @pejo_goshni
Moonlight Arte: @moonlight_arte
Patrick Griffin @griffin.pottery
Charlotte Holt Art: @charlotteholt.art
Frances Iadarola: @francesiadarola
V Israel Ceramics: @v_israel_ceramics
Everywwwhere: @everywwwhere
Rachel Kedinger + Victoria Ahmadizadeh Melendez: @rkedinger + @internet___angel
Katrina Kopeloff Illustration: @kopeloff
Who Press’d Press: @whopressdpress
Box Turtle Press @boxturtlepress
Karen Kriegel: @karenkriegel
Tombino: @tombinoshop
Luis: @mochibaybags
Reyna Navarro: @artesani_mundo_de_queen
Charnelle Nixon: @gift.well001
Patricia Patzi Art: @patzi.patzi
Leslie Richards: @leslie.richards.art
Lost Mirage: @lost.mirage
Madeline Mae Studios: @madelinemae_studios
Magic Needles Mari: @magic_needles_mari
Magico Artemez: @magicoartemez
Mexico Art: @mxheartde
Our Hope: @_ourhope
Mary Schneider: @marydotart
Jillian Schley: @jillianschley
Gabrielle Silverlight: @gabriellesilverlight
Holly Simple: @holly_simple
Small Print Studio: @_jackie.small
Spuul: @spuul215
Juan Tang Hon: @juandtang
Tenangos Philly: @tenangosphilly
Trina’s Jabones
Linda Abd Ulbaki: @creacioneslindausa
Venbisustore: @venbisustore
Julieta Zavala: @julietazavala
Jane Zweibel Studio: @janiejanez