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Made at Fleisher Student Market Vendor Application Deadline

MADE AT FLEISHER is an indoor juried art and craft market organized by Fleisher Art Memorial to celebrate the work of current Fleisher students and alumni. This inaugural student market will highlight the many mediums offered at Fleisher. Shoppers can expect quality art work and handmade goods that reflect Fleisher’s offerings.

Interested in selling your work at our Made at Fleisher spring market?
VENDOR APPLICATIONS DUE: Monday, April 8, 11:59 pm ET

You will need to log-in or create an account via Submittable below to see the full vendor application. Please complete all of the fields to provide a clear understanding of you and your work.

Deadline to submit is Monday, April 8
-Accepted vendors will be notified by Monday, April 14
-If accepted, vendors will be onsite to sell their work at Fleisher on Sunday, May 12
Vendor fee to participate, if accepted, is $10. This fee supports Fleisher’s work as a nonprofit organization.
-Applicants are encouraged to share social media handles and websites for Fleisher’s use when promoting the event and MADE AT FLEISHER vendors.
-Please keep Fleisher’s mission of making art accessible to everyone, regardless of economic means, background, or artistic experience in mind when pricing your wares. Vendors who offer gift options of $75 or less tend to sell the most during Fleisher markets.