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Artz@Fleisher: Conversations on Art for Visitors With Dementia

It all starts with the art! Led by Susan Shifrin, founder and director of Artz Philadelphia, we look together at 2-3 works of art during an hour of inspiring group conversation. Register here.

Groups are limited in size to 6-8 visitors who are diagnosed with dementia, plus their care partners. No experience with art necessary!

Programs are free of charge, thanks to the Arleen Weinstein Fund for Creative Aging. Registration required to ensure an intimate and comfortable experience for everyone. No obligation — different art will be selected each session so you can register for one session, or all three. This program is hosted by Fleisher and presented by Artz Philadelphia: no membership is required for this free program.

Fleisher Art Memorial is an ADA accessible location. Click here for more information about parking and directions to Fleisher.

Register here. For questions about the program, please email info@artzphilly.org or call 610.721.1606.