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Mindfulness Workshop

Mindfulness is an invitation to pause and be present in your life, just as it is right now. We know from a growing body of research that regular mindfulness practice helps to lower our stress levels, decreases rumination, and boosts working memory and focus. Individuals who regularly practice mindfulness report feeling more satisfied with life and their relationships and are less emotionally reactive. In fact, studies show that we are actually happier when we’re living in the present moment. Let the worries of the day go and join us this Thursday, May 16 to practice mindfulness at 6:00 p.m. in Fleisher’s beautiful Sanctuary space.

This event is free and no registration is required.

Denise Kozikowski, PhD is an experienced mindfulness leader and certified coach. She did her mindfulness training under the direction of Jon Kabat-Zinn and Saki Santorelli through the Center for Mindfulness, UMassMed.