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Pop Arts: Face Planters (grades 3-5)

Using air-drying clay, we will create small hollow sculptures with lively faces. Once they dry, these sculptures can be used as whimsical planters with vegetation as the hair! Instructor: P.T....

Pop Arts: Stop-Motion Animation (grades 6-8)

Using household materials, paint markers, and carving tools, we will create a simple animation with a free user-friendly app called GIF Maker - IMGPlay. The instructor will be using a...

Pop Arts: Geometric Stencil Design (grades 9-12)

Mike Storm will share a process that he has been developing for the past few years. Using a grid and hand-cut stencils, we will create elaborate geometric designs. Mike likes...

Pop Arts: Chinese Stamp Printing (grades K-2)

Workshop offered in Chinese and English 盖中文印章 Create your own personal Chinese stamp and use it to sign your artwork! In this workshop, we'll encounter several Chinese characters and learn...

Pop Arts: Creating Landscapes from Indoors (grades K-2)

This workshop is perfect for reconnecting with nature through your imagination. Together, we'll talk about textures and gather some objects with interesting textures from around our homes. Then, taking crayons...

Pop Arts: Still Life Drawing (grades 6-8)

Students will learn how to stage and light a still life image using objects available to them. Then we'll draw from observation, working on our knowledge of shadows and values....